Does Your Routine Affect Genital Herpes
It is undeniable fact that genital herpes is not yet curable. Even though cannot be cure but most of doctor will suggest the application of antiviral medication to prevent its spreading. In fact, this disease is not only about what you do or what you consume. It is more about what you do on your routine especially when you already have herpes simplex virus inside your body. Want to feel better? You better start to change your routine. Need more guidance about it? Find it more detail in here: Eating well The key of preventing herpes simplex virus to come up again is stay healthy. What can you do to achieve it is eating well. It means that you have to avoid any unhealthy food such as packaged, processed and prepared foods. Instead of having instant food, try to add your vegetable, fruit, nut, seed and oil consumption. Meat is ok but you still have to put some limitation on it especially red meat. Another healthy type of food is fish and skinless poultry. Do not forget to eat complex...